Proto Portfolios


My Proto-Portfolios


I like English. I started to learn English for ten years ago. But I can't speak English very well. I want to speak it very well. I'm interesting abroad. I want to trip a lot of places.


BR 2-05 : Pinocchio

I read the book the title is Pinocchio. The story is a little long for me but I read all of them. I know the story a bit, but I didn’t know all. So, I read this book, I found the story. I think that this story is good for children. The reason why I thought that, the story teach some children to lie is bad things. So I want to read this book a lot of children.

The other thing, I want to see this movie. If I have a chance, I will see the movie.

I could know about difference of Japanese and English. I could learn about expression by English. I want to learn more and more. (120 words)

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