Proto Portfolios


My Proto-Portfolios


I like English. I started to learn English for ten years ago. But I can't speak English very well. I want to speak it very well. I'm interesting abroad. I want to trip a lot of places.


Refer classmate's PF

I plan to follow Light’s advice “I should use more different words when I write blog.” (Light, 2009/07/08 ), because, when I write sentence, I often use same words. So, I think that if we use different words, we can memorize some new words.

Next, I plan to follow Yukie’s advice “Medias are good way to make fun blogs, so I should include medias.” (UNO!, 2009/07/20), because that will help me to make fun blogs. I think that fun is very important things to continue write blog.

I plan to do Saki’s advice “We should include other media and links on our blogs.” (SAKI BLOG, 2009/07/22), because it will help me to know other things.

I plan to do “I must devise my blog's layout.” (Chisako’s Blog, 2009/07/08), because my blog’s layout is very simple for me. The other hand, some classmate blog’s layout is very cute and cool. I want to reference them.

Yusuke also had a good idea “Next semmester, I'll keep blogging as much as possible. In order to improve my English skills, I think this is good activity” (c-village, 2009/07/20), because it is important for us to skill up. I want to write blog as much as possible.
(202 words)

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