Proto Portfolios


My Proto-Portfolios


I like English. I started to learn English for ten years ago. But I can't speak English very well. I want to speak it very well. I'm interesting abroad. I want to trip a lot of places.


BR 2-02 : The Hare and the Tortoise

I read the book which title is The Hare and the Tortoise. The reason why I choose this book is I know this story, so I was care about English expression. In Japan, this story is known Usagi to Kame. I read this story at class when I was elementary school days. Then, I knew the story, so maybe I knew since pre school days.

This story’s characters are hare and tortoise. The hare likes to running, so he always running. For example, he run to work, and to come back home. He thought that I am fastest in all over the world. The other hand, the tortoise is always slowly. For example, he walk is so slowly. One day, the hare wanted to race. But, a lot of people don’t want to the race. So, the tortoise said that I try. A few days later the race started. The hare faster than tortoise, but the hare was feeling afford. So the hare did rest under the tree. When the hare doing rest, the tortoise hard. Finally, the tortoise was winner.

This book taught us about slow and steady wins the race. I think that it is important for us to effort. I want to a lot of things in university life. For example, I want to get some qualification. So I have to effort. I will do my best. (230 words)

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