Proto Portfolios


My Proto-Portfolios


I like English. I started to learn English for ten years ago. But I can't speak English very well. I want to speak it very well. I'm interesting abroad. I want to trip a lot of places.


went to Downtown

Today was holiday, so I went to downtown with my friend. The friend's name is Akane. Akane and I are friend of high school days. We met a long time no see.

I went to downtown by train. When I arrived at the Konoha station, I knew that I forgot a commuter pass. But, if I come buck my home, the train pass. So I have to pay the fare. It is sad for me.

After we met, we went to restaurant. We can eat Italian foods at the restaurant. I ate peperoncino. The tast was so good. We could full. After that we went shopping. I baught some clothes. It is very cute and cheep. I was happy to can buy these. A lot of shopes were sell, so very cheeper than usually. After that we took a few Purikura. It is memorial for me.

When I came buck home I was part-time. Today I was take charge of cleaning. I did all job now so I'm writting this blog. Part-time is hard for me but I will do my best. (182words)

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